
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by EagleKeeper »

:ezboardmad: hey...... I just realized that our first cup race will be on the evening of Valentine's Day:ezboardfrown: Ahhhh man:ezboardsick: am I the only one who is planning on "getting some" that night:ezboardeyes: ???? I plan on making the race..... but, it's going to be tough:ezboardohwell:

Re: ValentinesDay

Post by sledge4 »

Looks like it's time for the 2 minute drill, lol.


Re: ValentinesDay

Post by Viagra6Car »

I told 71 about that weeks ago and he said that you guys are all losers that wouldn't have plans that night :ezboardlaugh:

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: ValentinesDay

Post by lepage71 »

Said nothing of the sort...goon.

Re: ValentinesDay

Post by d3efan »

You see, that's the beauty of it...get the candy and flowers stuff out of the way early, then cash in YOUR valentine's day chip. If the #28 car seems alittle squirrelly late in the race you'll know why! lol :ezboardsmoking:

Re: ValentinesDay

Post by grovet »

Sounds to me she's either difficult or we need to discuss what you're doing wrong. Should be done by 11 anyway :ezboardroll:
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