Official Ban From League

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Official Ban From League

Post by lepage71 »

For the actions taking place or contributing to the events of the Nextel Cup race at Daytona,

Comp 1.72e and Vermonstar are permanently banned from this league.

I think everyone in the race last night understands that this simply needs no explaining. Terrible.

Re: Official Ban From League

Post by fireman79 »

why verm? Did he do anything?

Re: Official Ban From League

Post by lepage71 »

Multiple reasons:

1) Ignoring the NHRL rules concerning blocking. We have asked Verm multiple times to adjust his driving, but he refuses to follow our suggestions.

2) Ignoring the advice against blocking suggested by league drivers. Three drivers have complained about Verm blocking both in preseason practices and race practices. TommyW even politely asked Verm to stop blocking and all he did was ignore him.

3) Disrespect of league and officials. Comp referenced Verm numerous times during his on-track rant. We now know that Verm told Comp that the league has a bias towards both of them and that "lepage71 purposely wrecked Verm in the NBS race." This statement did not come out of nowhere, so obviously Verm had something to say about the league in private to Comp. This is a breach of both our drivers' and our officials' trust. Comp came out swinging, and I highly doubt that Verm had nothing to do with it, especially when Comp kept talking about "What Verm told [me]."

4) A few of you may not agree with this one, but I think it is worth mentioning. They always race together and tend to have the same setups and strategies. Since Verm is pretty quiet, he often has Comp voice his opinions for him. Verm will stick by Comp no matter what he does.

In my opinion, anyone who agrees...or expresses no remorse or care...about the kind of behavior that Comp displayed deserves to leave. How can you sit there idle while Comp wrecks the entire field? I am not saying Verm should have intervened and stopped him. But to say nothing at all about Comp...this is very concerning to me.

5) The drivers of the league agreed on having Verm leave the league in the server. Sure, Verm did not do the wrecking last night. But from what Comp typed in the server, there seems to be a alot of discontent stemming from both of these drivers. This kind of disrespect for other drivers, the officials, and the league is not acceptable.

It is really hard to do this, especially since Verm was committed and made every race last year. But his contributions to setting Comp off on his rampage last night went too far which ruined the race for all.

If Verm wants a refund, I'll return the cost of joining the league to him.

Edited by: lepage71 at: 2/16/04 6:21 pm

Re: Official Ban From League

Post by CR49 »

Sounds like a rough night.

Re: Official Ban From League

Post by fireman79 »

OK, now i understand and i too, stand behind your decision:ezboardpimp: :ezboardsmoking: :ezboardsmoking: :ezboardsmoking:

Re: Official Ban From League

Post by efgordon »

refund? i dont remember paying to sign up. i guess the busch is free?

Re: Official Ban From League

Post by lepage71 »

I'd be more than happy to return Verm's $0 to him. :ezboardlaugh:

I was joking and trying to make the point that the NHRL administrators do this for free yet this is how Comp and Verm treat the league and its drivers.

Re: Official Ban From League

Post by efgordon »

doh, sry he he i was a bit nervous. thought i was driving on credit. he he he.

i support whatever it is that you guys do to keep the racing clean and fun, and i thank yuz for it.

i dont know what happend since i wasent there, so i think i will just go and work on my car. cyaz friday.


Re: Official Ban From League

Post by d3efan »

Helluva night it was. Tough decisions had to be made. I may not always agree with the league officials but by god, I wont take out a field to make a point, nor will I voice my opinion during the race. A bit of advice: read the rulebook, and when someone is trying to give you advice (hint) that may be a subtle warning. Hell, it should never have come down to the ugly display that occurred saturday night, especially from regulars (and that was the able thing about it). BAN!? A light sentence in my opinion. Thanks for letting me vent. :ezboarddevel:
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