
General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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Post by EagleKeeper »

I'd have to admitt..... I really thought Bristol was going to be a tough track to tame this week in NHRL I was anticipating numerous wrecks, spun out cars, and flames, flames, flames I had already told myself all week long.... that: If I got into trouble.... I would just smile and keep driving . But.... for the most part... The Cup race (as well as the CTS) was incident free . Great racing by all!!!
Texas is next.... and I can't wait. After talking to many drivers.... I've come to the conclusion that Texas is just about everyones favorite track (as it is mine). The "Eagle" is already building a nest on the start/finish line @ Texas!!!

Edited by: EagleKeeper at: 3/28/04 12:20 pm
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