Pit Reporter Needed

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.

Pit Reporter Needed

Post by lepage71 »

If anyone is interested in writing summaries for any of the NHRL Series, please let us know. We will no longer be providing them. Writing the summaries takes up the majority of time for configuring the site and we are trying to streamline the updating process.


Post by EagleKeeper »

well..... I'm not sure I would want to report on every race..... But, I may from time to time. I'm sure that if it were an exciting race, full of lead changes, and crazy stuff..... I would report. or at least send in some "driver post race comments".
maybe that would be the best thing to post anyway (as long as they are not harmful or demeaning comments). I mean.... heck..... that's what i usually go to the forums for.... to read about other drivers bad races or good races. Someone once last year talked about how their pit crew would not come over the wall..... I laughed my tail off after reading that.

driver- post race comments

Post by EagleKeeper »

yeah..... I want to say more here>>>> actually..... when i read the race recaps from last season.... I was always excited to see if (for example) "my wreck was talked about". sometimes it was.... sometimes it wasn't.
But.... i'm thinking that "driver post race comments will be the way to go"!!!
I mean...... for example @ Daytona.... the headline would read "Camry wins and becomes 2005 Daytona 500 Champion"
then..... after that.... numerous drivers post race comments.
There may be a couple comments about the big battle up front.
A couple drivers may comment about their pitting woes.
A driver may complain about his connection.
and so on... and so on.
I'm thinking, the more drivers that send in 4-5 lines about their personal race experience. the more exciting it will be to read the race recaps.
I've got to admit...... I ofter wonder what happened to some drivers. They may have been up front racin with me..... then by the end of the race.... I don't see them. then i see in the results they finished 4 laps down.
It would be cool to read all about it!!!!

race photographer

Post by EagleKeeper »

one more thing here>>>>
I volunteered to do this last year...... but didn't hear anything. I can take race photos and email them to the league so they can post them on the race recaps. It would be easy as pie. just give me a number.... for example: say you want 6 good cool pics. i will find 6 cool pics for each race and send them. also.... if you want me to do this..... let me know if you want them to be a certain size to fit the web page better with-out league officials needing to resize them.

Re: race photographer

Post by doZer2442 »


Re: race photographer

Post by rookiesrock8 »

How about the winner HAS to write the summary? If not they get penalized.

BBFF member

Re: race photographer

Post by bover907 »

How about the winner HAS to write the summary? If not they get penalized.

I would be willing to write summaries too. and do pics if needed. Heck maybe that will force me to remember to save replays. I forgot to save my replay of the busch race, and therefore didn't get to see my great save. ...or off road expierence, whatever you want to call it.

Which brings me to another topic. Who wins the 'Save of the Race award', Me or Rookie? LOL

Pit notes

Post by rookiesrock8 »

I agree with Eagle about everyone sending in 3-5 lines about their race. The editing will be the time consumer there. Maybe we can build a template with a few basic questions about some facts and then some room for personal comments, and designate a person to put it all together. That would take alot of commitment. If someone else is interested to team up with me I would seriously consider it.
Since I only race in 1 series, I have a non bias view. LMAO!

BBFF member

Re: Pit notes

Post by CR49 »

Hey Bov don't be so quick to give that save of the race award to you or Rookie yet. I had to tremendous saves that should be places in the running also.

Re: Pit notes

Post by bover907 »

Oh, heck, sorry. I thought we were the only one's who ended up offroadin! LOL. Hey, join the club man. Misery loves company LOL

pit reporter - photographer

Post by EagleKeeper »

um.... league guys.... what did you decide on this>?
actually..... I just came up with another idea for a pit reporter!!!
First of all.... i really enjoyed reading the race summaries last year. I mean..... there were times that i would check the web site 3-5 times a day to see if the new race summaries were up yet.
I've noticed that we didn't get many bites on the pit reporter idea..... so i've come up with another idea:
how about.... at the beginning of each race.... the league opens up the pit reporter job for any volunteer that may want it. then..... they only have to report on that race, and we all get to read all about it.
I'll kick it off and volunteer to report on the Atlanta Busch race.
can I also take pics of the race as well? or will the only pic be of the winner crossing the finish line ? basically.... what i'm thinking here is this. before and after the atlanta race..... I'm going to ask anyone who had a cool thing happen to them in the race (ie. a wreck, a 3 wide pass, a spin entering pit rd, or what ever) to take a screen shot of it and email it to me with a discription or what happened. then when i write my race summary.... i can write about the incidents and add photos of them too.
sound cool???
I'm not saying that every pit reported has to do this. but, maybe if I do a real good job and it's interesting and exciting to read. more peeps will volunteer to report on the races. and maybe they will even try to out-do me. this could be really neat and fun too.
let me know please, EK

Re: pit reporter - photographer

Post by bover907 »

I was wondering about this subject too. Although I would be interested in pit reporting, I am running all three series, and therefore have to devote a lot of my free time to practice. (God knows I need it! LOL I ain't a naturally fast guy, I guess. But if I ever find that majical mysterious missing .200sec per lap, LOOK OUT!!!!! )

Anyway, I digress. I would be willing to compile post race comments and such from time to time.

I was thinking of setting up a sepeate e-mail account and just reporting on the cup series, but I have to decide if I have the time to dedicate to it.

I do, however miss reading race summeries, but I understand where the admins are coming from. I'm sure they have a life LOL

to report.... or not to report

Post by EagleKeeper »

well SS and/or LP..... did you want me to report on the Atlanta Busch race? or not? I really haven't gotten any "league officials" responding to this topic.
If you want me to..... i can have the report ready by tomorrow. I just didn't want to spend time watching the replay and writing the report if it wasn't going to get posted on the web site.
let me know, Eagle

Re: to report.... or not to report

Post by bover907 »

EK, I think you and me might be alone on this, dude. I will be willing to set up a seperate e-mail address and everything, and then can have a report ready myself, maybe even for the vegas cup race. Just waiting for a response frome these guys, LOL. I can't do more than one series, though, because I have a hard enough time getting all my practice in. (my own fault, lol I know)

somebody get back with me on this.

Re: to report.... or not to report

Post by lepage71 »

We will post on the site whatever reaches our mailbox.

Re: to report.... or not to report

Post by CR49 »

Does that mean if I drew a stick figure with a beak and Eaglekeeper written across his chest standing on top of a square shaped car that has the number 93 on it that it would be posted on the site?


Post by EagleKeeper »

hillarious!!!!!!! nothing like a good laugh to start off the day.

Re: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by efgordon »


your no early bird!!!!!!

Attention Busch guys

Post by EagleKeeper »

hey all..... I'm going to throw together a Atlanta race summary real quick to be posted on the web site. If there is anything any of you would like me to write about or any drivers comments you would like me to add to the story.... or heck... maybe even a screen shot...
please email them all to me tmraz25@hotmail.com
i'll try to email the race summary to the league tonight.
please have all comments/pictures to me by 5-6pm
thanks EK

Re: Attention Busch guys

Post by bover907 »

I'll do the nextell cup race at Vegas this week. the address will be different from my usual email. bover907@netscape.net

We'll see if I'm the better reporter, or if Eagle "scoop" Keeper is the man. LOL
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