yo...... I have a new car on the downloads page. I plan to drive it this weekend.
it's the "U.S. AirForce Dodge" (car193.tex)
the image still shows my old Cingular Wireless Ford.... but, please sownload the file and replace the old #193 with this new one.
P.S. i emailed this car to a lot of you.... but i screwed up and named it car93.tex ..... instead of car193.tex
if you have already downloaded the one i emailed you all..... you can just rename it to "car193.tex"
thanks, Eagle
oh..... and this is a "must download car" ... it's the coolest one i have done to date. (imo)
hey all.... new car>>>
Re: hey all.... new car>>>
and now.. you've got time to work on Bover's new eagles car? lmao