Kind of early but....

General announcements, discussion, and rumors about the league.

Team TTR??

Post by Ramrock41 »

Well,..looks like that is or was somthing that I wanted to happen, but looks like no one is interested in joining Team Thunder Racing, there is no TTR,...I dont know what I was thinking,...I cant run a team, and I sertenly cant prodoose those awesome paint jobs with the thunder and lightining like my bro can,..and that was my thought too,..all the team members having the same paint scheme,..what the hell was I thinking?? just shoot me,.ok,.. : there is no Team Thunder Racing.
Unless somone wants to pick up that team name and run with it,

Re: Team TTR??

Post by d3efan »

the "deal" will be put together after the last race apparently. dont worry Russ, silly season's not over yet!

Edited by: d3efan at: 12/2/05 1:45 pm


Post by doZer2442 »

AHH MAN!! what you delete it for?! LOL... saw it in school was gunna add some stuff to the Silly Season site...heheehe

Re: Kind of early but....

Post by d3efan »

OK then, here it is. Gonna have another new team next year. Ram, we've been friends and teamates from the start so its you and me. Bov's in agreement and is in. Kyle is still a possible. We'll need a listing of rookie free agents but to keep it short, right now, I like Racecaps. But it will be a team decision, and subject to availability anyways. If interested contact me at:

A few ground rules I will insist on for ANY teamate of mine are as follows:

1) A minimum of 5 hours or 500 miles of practice for each event (negotiable on the nights the wife wants to get freaky!)

2) Ya gotta have quality equipment. Nothing unreliable. No keyboards or joysticks and DSL or cable is a must. Negotiable if you're really good with the keyboard!!

3) You have to be committed. Check out how many subs I've used this year. Its real easy to schecdule your vacations around the race schedule, and, next year I hear, there will be fewer races which is good news for all!

There, now you know where I stand (Patton, lol). Anything can happen between now and the green flag at Daytona next year. If your a free agent, give me a buzz and lets form a team that will give NHRL (an odds on favorite) a run for their money!

Re: Kind of early but....

Post by bover907 »

Oh, one stipulation from me to have Ram as a teammate......

Piss breaks are not to exceed two minutes!

J/K bud.


Edited by: bover907 at: 12/4/05 3:04 pm

Re: Kind of early but....

Post by Ramrock41 »

Yea I agree Dan,. are you going to be running the team?
Because I dont have the computer knowhow to make a team site or anything like that,.lol sounds great,we also need a team name unless you want to stay with TTR as the name. , and bov,I"ll try to keep the piss breaks at one minute fifty seven seconds,.. ,

Edited by: Ramrock41 at: 12/6/05 9:23 pm

Re: Kind of early but....

Post by bover907 »

What's TTR stand for?

I don't know if we need a team site, but if we do, I can make one. Dunno if it'll be as high-speed looking as some of the others', but it'll get the job done.


Re: Kind of early but....

Post by Ramrock41 »

TTR stands for (Team Thunder Racing) My brother and I formed a team a few years ago and we called it TTR,.he painted all the team cars with the same paint scheme and it looked awesome, it had a picture of a city at night on the hood with lightining shooting up the roof and down the sides, the main colors where blue and black. I could send you the car.tex file if you want to check it Anyway,..thats what it stands for. (Team Thunder Racing).

Re: Kind of early but....

Post by d3efan »

Yeah, those were the days allright. The early days. Heck, you and Rick kicked my butt most of the time, then we joined NHRL and really got stomped lol. Team Thunder Racing TTR, I like it. But for me the meaning will be the same as in the movie: Tombstone.

"You called down the thunder, well, now you've got it. You tell 'em I'm comin, and hell's comin with me, ya hear! Hell's, comin with me!"

If you're not TTR, you're wearing a red sash.

Lets go kick red sash butt!!


Re: Kind of early but....

Post by Ramrock41 »

Yeah,.where was it we raced at before?,Oh Yeah, OLR On Line Racing, and we had to pay to race,
Yeah, those were the days . and I was dang fast back then,..what the heck happened
AAHH! heck, I know what happened,.setups have come a long way, the cars have gottin faster, and its become more competitive. I just need to Practice more Put in at least 5 hours or 500 miles per series

" You tell'em We'r comin,and hells comin with us,ya hear!hells comin with us!"

Yep, I like that Dan,.lol

Ramrock41,..TTR member.

Edited by: Ramrock41 at: 12/8/05 9:25 pm

Re: Kind of early but....

Post by doZer2442 »

where's that paper shredder....gotta get rid of what..3 contract offers....

Re: Kind of early but....

Post by Ramrock41 »

your not wearing a red sash are you? lol J/S kidding

Re: Kind of early but....

Post by d3efan »

Well, Team CEM woulda been pretty stout with all of us together but I think this (more teams) adds balance to the whole team thing. Perhaps a TTR/CEM alliance? I do like running with you guys. That adds whole new twist to the team concept eh? lol lets think about that one for awhile. hehe

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