Who did the math and how?

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Who did the math and how?

Post by rookiesrock8 »

I was wondering why tally wasn't 47 laps. So I went to the rules and reviewed the forum and "approximately 25%" was all I found. Now that the ability to edit is being exercised why aren't the laps nearer to the actual 25%? Like school teachers often say "I want you to show your work". For instance out of the 25 cup races only 7 are actually 25%. Most are within 1-3 laps but some are 5-16 laps off. What was the basis for making such large adjustments? If it was to round it up or down to 5's then why did bristol and marty become 120's and 25% is 125? I was wondering if pit strategies were involved in the decision to create the final lap count.

BBFF member


Post by Unknown »

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