Just Wow! I got myself a new monitor going from the old dinosaur 17.5 tank to this sleek 21st century thing is truly amazing. I thought Bovers COT mod looked great before, it looks really awesome on this. So again props to you Bover. Also it's much easier on the eyes. I look forward to some practice and another race. Just hope i don't get disconnected!
If everything works, don't forget to get the ui control center, and actually run heat in your monitor's native resolution. (I can guide you thru that process if needed). That way your cars don't look squashed.
Hmmm not sure about that Bov. I just run it in the 4:3 which is the usual look from before. If there is a way to get on the whole screen looking like 4:3 would be great.
There is. It's called NH UI control center, and it's available in the Mod Squads download section. If you need details, let me know. If your big monitor runs 4:3 and Letterboxes the sides (black bars) and that's acceptable to you, that's fine. If your cars look squashed, in any mod, I'd recommend using the ui control center. I run heat at 1680x1050 which is my monitors resolution it it looks absolutely stunning!