Edit: The Ford Template has been improved. Those who downloaded it before 12/9/10 may want to download it again.
Hey, all! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.
Well, the car is at it's finished state! I hope to try and have the mod ready for all by Christmas. I've also uploaded the templates, so everyone can start painting their new cars. I'm also soliciting help painting cars for the mod, and I'll go into that further below.
The Templates can be downloded from the Downloads/Templates section of the Web site. there you will see 4 new zip files, one for each make. Each .zip conatins a Photoshop, PSP8, and Gimp/PSP7 version of the template. Here's what the final product looks like

Here's where the help is wanted

There are several cars that need to be painted. What I did was looked at the top 43 drivers from 2010, and then looked at who they're 2011 teams and sponsors are purported to be, according to Jayski. I compiled a list much the same way I did when making the original NHRL Cup Mod in 2007. With so many teams not having their plans finalized, and announcements made, I was only able to come up with 37 drivers instead of 43.
What I need from some of you guys is help painting the cars. It's a lot to do in a short time, but with the help of the league membership, I feel we can get it done. There's a lot of cars that are very similar to cars I painted from the original mod, and for others. Being that I save ALL my work, a lot of the cars can be painted by me easily, since the templates are very similar. I've named myself to about half of the cars, but there's around 18 that I need the help from you guys with. That'll truly make the next NHRL Cup mod a League Project!
Please don't sign on to paint any car(s), unless you are SURE you're going to do it, and that it'll meet the high standars I seek. Use Jayski, or team websites for reference, and if all else fails, and there isn't a 2011 scheme available to go off of, just use this past season's scheme as a guide.
And with that, here's the list. I'll update the original in this post as we get people to sign on, and car's completed. Just post which car(s) you'd like to do in this thread, and I'll update this post with all the changes as they come.
Edit: Updated 12/29/10