I need some help

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I need some help

Post by Need4Speed09 »

Hi all,
My IRF is messing up. everytime i try to log in its keeps sayin somethin similar to this : "unable to connect" retry in 10 seconds". Does anyone know how to fix this problem?? Plz e-mail asap. F18_pilot09@msn.com

Re: I need some help

Post by fatfreddy17 »

If your IRF login name worked before, what's happening now is that there are no races being hosted.

Re: I need some help

Post by Need4Speed09 »

Well its never worked with this screen name, I have had for like a week and it hasnt been working.

Edited by: Need4Speed09 at: 12/3/03 1:57 pm


Post by IMDEDXX »

so tell us... who were you before you changed your loggin name?

Re: hmm

Post by Need4Speed09 »

Thats the problem I cant remember, its been awhile and i guess my name got erased somehow so i just made a new one and it wont work.

Re: hmm

Post by fatfreddy17 »

Ded is alive! Hello punk!

Speed, you'll need to change your name and your password in you IRF folder, the IRF options, to match your new IRF login name and passowrd

Re: hmm

Post by Need4Speed09 »

I just did that and still doesnt work. I think I need to change my port or something because of my firewall. But how do I find out what the port is on my Firewall? I can still join a race though right? All i have to do is get the IP to the game and just got to "multiplayer" in the Nascar heat game and just go to "Find" and put in the ip and it should pop up. I hope im right

Edited by: Need4Speed09 at: 12/7/03 9:08 am

Re: hmm

Post by lepage71 »

The IRF Port should be set to random on IRF.

Re: hmm

Post by Need4Speed09 »

Well thats what I had it on and it didnt work, I think I have a software firewall and I have to manually define the port(which I dont know how).


Post by scrooluice »

I seriously doubt that a firewall is your problem... I've used several different firewalls, software and other, and none have ever affected my ability to login to IRF or join a race on IRF, with port setting set on random. The only time a firewall affects Heat is if you're trying to host a race, then drivers can't get in, but all you have to do is disable it when hosting, and re-enable it when done hosting, which I doubt you're trying to do anyway.

Re: firewall

Post by Need4Speed09 »

Ok thanks for your input, that just saved me alot of stress lol . But I think that there isnt any racing goin on lately and Im just thinking the wrong way. Thanks alot.
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