Explaining my Absences

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Busch Series.
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Explaining my Absences

Post by doZer2442 »

Been in between jobs for the past few weeks...finally got this new one goin...which sucks more than the other one but oh well... ive been working late Saturday nights, not knowing i was going to be working that late until those Saturday mornings, and with that short of notice, I've had no chance to get on Sat. to say I wasnt going to be at the race... And of course the next day Id'e either be working again or just completely forgot about telling anyone that i wasnt going to be at the race that happened the night before... not like anyone missed me tho right??? LOL... but yeah.... Just wanted to get that across because I've been told people have noticed my high amound of absences this season... lets just say im the Carl Edwards of the busch series... Kind of part time, with my name known, running a few races here and there.... and coming out the very next season... winning races and staying within the top 5 in points... HEHE..yeah right... but Next season I will be on board with all the races and more dedicated than i already am to making races and winning them...

Re: Explaining my Absences

Post by rookiesrock8 »

We've been discussing you whereabouts son. You had us worried.

BBFF member
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