Well, as part of this computer build this weekend, all the essentials from my computer had to go into the chassis that housed the Kid's computer prior to their MOBO frying. Unfortunately I didn't get finished before the NBS race. I'd planned to use that machine to race nbs on, then proceed with building the new computer.
Well, when I transfered the MOBO, HDD, Vid and sound cards to the new chassis, it kept crashing and giving a BSOD. (Said something about windows shutting down to protect your hardware, etc. It didn't give time enough to read the screen prior to shutting down. I did notice that it said the problem was in nvdsp.xxx or somthing like that, which to me points to the nvidia video card. So I pulled the card out, and the heatsink felt loose. So, I took it off and it looked like the thermal interface matieral lost it's contact with the heatsink. (come to think of it, the vid card fan was sounding funny). Anyway, so I took the heatsink off, cleaned the chip and heatsink, and put some Artic Silver Ceramique on there, and everything seems to be fine now. PHEW!
Now on to the new computer. Lets hope that goes smoothly.