We hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday.
Thanks to those who participated in our caution flag exhibition race on the 22nd. We might try to sneak in another one, however, we certainly saw a little of everything at Atlanta. Free passes, wave-arounds, pitting strategies, tight pit road races, etc. Overall, the test event went well, and yellows should make a very interesting addition to the league. Jes Rathbun is painting a pace car as we speak. Cautions will make the races a little crazier and more unpredictable. There's room for both aggression and patience, which is unique. It's especially fun when some of you are loose, to say the least.
For those of you who didn't attend, but want to see it in action, I've uploaded the race replay here. You'll need to be in the NHRLC11 mod to watch it.
You can read my pre-race notes here if you're looking for information about the format.
Caution Flag Assessment
Re: Caution Flag Assessment
Now imagine this with the 25 person hero races at Talladega we had back in 2011.