General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Busch Series.
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Post by Viagra6Car »

Catch's site & email not workin, anyone know anything about it?

Or maybe he just didn't pay the bill


Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @ www.geocities.com/legendcarheatracin

Re: 22

Post by lepage71 »

I am unsure, but I am sure it is something we can blame on Fred.


Post by Viagra6Car »

Yes, we always blame fred

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @ www.geocities.com/legendcarheatracin

Re: 22

Post by fatfreddy17 »

nope, uh-ah, not me


Post by CatCatch22 »

Yeah sorry for the inconvienience (spelling?) but I am finally moving and finally got a perfect new job, so I have cut off the provider I was using. Now I am off to California, I won't be racing for a while. I do have every stat picture and race result from my league still on my pc, but I won't be racing for sometime until I settle into my new job and get a new provider until then I'll "catch" you guys later.

Was great fun racing with yah. I'll miss you guys , yeah right LMAO, I know my girlfriend is happy. See you guys in the future.

Re: Moving

Post by lepage71 »

Good luck with your new job. As soon as you get your racing set back up, let us know.

see ya

Post by fireman79 »

Sorry to hear that you are leaving. Good Luck and hope you can rejoin us at some point.


Post by Viagra6Car »

If you check back on this forum 22, let me know if you're done with the lch'n. Such as if you can't make the races with it being 5 pm out there when we run

LCH Standings Currently...Good Battlin Goin On

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @ www.geocities.com/legendcarheatracin
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