The Big picture

General announcements and discussion about the NHRL Cup Series.
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The Big picture

Post by rookiesrock8 »

At least I'm not racing offline against the computer! Unless we win we are always disappointed with our performance. Whether or not we had help with our finish. I may be upset with my finish or that someone comped me and I might even vent a little, but the next day or days I can't wait for the next race. I have subbed twice in cup this season and have been comped or dooled both times but that happens. It is hard sometimes to get out of the way of faster impatient cars or to avoid slower cars. Sometimes one of you lose's and sometimes both lose. Either way I'm just glad to be racing with real live people.

BBFF member

Re: The Big picture

Post by scrooluice »


#13 Oakley Ford

Re: The Big picture

Post by lepage71 »

Have we lost the understanding of the universal solution to problems?

Blame fatfreddy!

Re: The Big picture

Post by scrooluice »

Hell, I'll drink to that too!!!

#13 Oakley Ford

fill her up

Post by EagleKeeper »

while you're at it Scroo..... pour me a glass

blame me?

Post by fatfreddy17 »

BLAME ME,, ???

I'm not gonna take this anymore, I'm going home!

o ya, and I'm taking my ball too !!!


blame you

Post by Viagra6Car »

But you ain't got no balls fred

lol, just messin with you...btw, nice new car

Viagra6Car's LCH Racing League Site @

Re: blame me?

Post by d3efan »

Aw heck Fred, we wouldn't blame ya if we didn't like you. Everyone quit messing with Fred. People! It's funny sometimes we (I do anyways) get paranoid when we make a post and no one replies or when chatting. Totally unrelated subject bwt. For the recored, I have no mean bone in my body so when I mess with ya....well, don't come to my house with a gun. (Anyway, I have one too! Am I a candidate for the couch? (shrink)

Freddy Ball

Post by grovet »

Hey guys..he forgot his twinkies when he left
TommyW 21 and 28

Re: Freddy Ball

Post by TommyW 21 and 28 »

Grover where u been ????


#21 Air Force Taurus
#28 Havoline Ram
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