N.H. race.... might miss

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N.H. race.... might miss

Post by EagleKeeper »

I'm going to plan to be at the race tonight. but, i'm about to leave for a 8 Keg party. this thing might do me in though. I mean..... 8 Kegs!!!!! not to mention there is going to be steamed lobster and crab..... and bunches of chicks (i hope).
if i don't make it to the Cup race tonight..... I'll see you all at the Busch race on sunday for sure.

Re: N.H. race.... might miss

Post by rookiesrock8 »

You kill me Eagle . The races aren't till next weekend. 8 kegs? Big deal it's only beer lol. Drink a keg for the BBFF team.

BBFF member

Re:N.H.race....might miss

Post by Ramrock41 »

Lol,...dont feel bad E.K,...I thought there was racing tonight too,.... Oh well,.all the better, because now I can get in some practice time...

Re: Re:N.H.race....might miss

Post by bover907 »

LMAO! I thought the race was this weekend, until friday night when wildfire and I were talking about it. I was really worried about if I could get a handle on new hampshire. Thank God it's next week! Phew. But, I always check that stuff before I make a post like that EK. LOL. Did you survive?


Re: Re:N.H.race....might miss

Post by WildFire »

Bover..... Bover..... I gotta keep you in the loop!! LMAO


Re: Re:N.H.race....might miss

Post by bover907 »

Yeah, otherwise I would have been on irf saturday wondering where the truck racers were. I've see people do that on off weekends too. lol


Re: Re:N.H.race....might miss

Post by EagleKeeper »

lol...... oops got the dates mixed up.

Re: Re:N.H.race....might miss

Post by EagleKeeper »

ok dates are correct this time...... and i'm posting to say that yes..... i will miss the NH cup race tonight. sorry ... the girl that i have been dating is having her B-day tonight. going out w/ her.
good luck all.
cya @ the Busch race,


Post by Haulinace007 »

You NEVER put women before racing, you know that !!!! Looks like I'm gonna have to do some more subbing for ya, and get ya some wins. lol

Re: Eagle

Post by bover907 »

LOL, where is the smiley with the whip, lepage? You know, EK, first it's missing a few races, then it's nothing but for you. Otherwise, she'll look like this....



Post by EagleKeeper »

lol............ no worries... i already kicked that dumb witch (with a capitol "B") to the curb. She's nuts! With many insecurities that she likes to extend out and onto everyone else. issues.... issues.... issues!
i mean.... there's no way i could have continued a relationship with her..... i would have been like this .... and then this guy would have showed up at my door. so b4 any of that happened.... i did one of these
now..... i feel like this for even dating her those few times. but at least i got some from her .

dear God... make me a bird.... so, i can fly far.... far, far away from her
P.S. Ace..... you can sub for me anytime (after the chase begins)


Post by Haulinace007 »

Eagle that was a clever reply. You must have had a few in ya! I got my desk and stuff setup today and plan to race in the league next week. It's gonna be just like old times. I totally look forward to it! See you all next week, Better be good and ready!!!!
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