the 12 days of Christmas song >>>
the 12 days of Christmas song >>>
hey.... letz have some fun and put together a "NHRL 12 Days of Christmas" song !!!
I will come up with the first line..... and everyone else follow with their own verse..... LOL!!!!!!!!!
"on the first day of Christmas... my true love gave to me":
- "a CEM team car spinning in front of me!"
"on the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me":
-"two................ (add your line here, and so on, all the way to 12 days)"
this might be hillarious!!!!!
**after we get all the verses together, FatFred is going to dress up in a Santa suit and sing this song. his wife will video tape this..... and then Fred will post it on the site for all to enjoy, view, and sing along to!!!
**this is going to be the leagues gift to each other.
Edited by: EagleKeeper at: 12/15/05 3:37 pm
I will come up with the first line..... and everyone else follow with their own verse..... LOL!!!!!!!!!
"on the first day of Christmas... my true love gave to me":
- "a CEM team car spinning in front of me!"
"on the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me":
-"two................ (add your line here, and so on, all the way to 12 days)"
this might be hillarious!!!!!
**after we get all the verses together, FatFred is going to dress up in a Santa suit and sing this song. his wife will video tape this..... and then Fred will post it on the site for all to enjoy, view, and sing along to!!!
**this is going to be the leagues gift to each other.
Edited by: EagleKeeper at: 12/15/05 3:37 pm
12 pack of Mountain Dew?
11 wrecks per race
10 bad versus from bover
9 "Click Bovers" from Lepage
8 "Click Rams!!! from TommyW
7 CEM contracts decline
six seals a-laying
Five new car designs
four teamates confused
three teamates fighting
a two week suspension
and a CEM team car spinning infront of me
seems to be comming together pretty good.
i still dont understand why my true love would want a CEM car spinning infront of me.....behind me? yea, that sounds great, but not infront of me.... sorry to be so technical. but the song is funny nevertheless
sing it as you go......
Edited by: efgordon at: 12/16/05 2:50 pm
hey EF.....
for example: who the heck would want their true love to give them "a partridge in a pear tree"??? lol!!!
just as i really don't want a CEM team car spinning in front of me..... I'm sure one of the CEM boys will give me that gift again real soon
P.S. nice verses Bover....... NOT!
you need to exit the stage after those "flops"
P.S.S. the next song in the program will be:
"TommyW got ran over by a reign deer"
ty ty
Edited by: EagleKeeper at: 12/16/05 1:29 pm
you don't always get what you are wanting for Christmas. some things you just get.... although you don't want them.i still dont understand why my true love would want a CEM car spinning infront of me.....behind me? yea, that sounds great, but not infront of me.... sorry to be so technical. but the song is funny nevertheless
for example: who the heck would want their true love to give them "a partridge in a pear tree"??? lol!!!
just as i really don't want a CEM team car spinning in front of me..... I'm sure one of the CEM boys will give me that gift again real soon
P.S. nice verses Bover....... NOT!
you need to exit the stage after those "flops"
P.S.S. the next song in the program will be:
"TommyW got ran over by a reign deer"
ty ty
Edited by: EagleKeeper at: 12/16/05 1:29 pm